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Lucky Charms Unveils New Magical Unicorn Marshmallow & We Can't Wait To Try

General Mills announced Monday that a unicorn will be the latest magical creature to join the Lucky Charms marshmallow family.

"Our goal is to not only create a cereal that families and cereal fans will love and enjoy, but to inspire magical possibilities and help spark imagination and fun no matter what the age," Josh DeWitt, marketing manager of Lucky Charms, says in a statement shared by TODAY. 

"That's why, after 10 years, we decided to introduce a new charm with the help of the keepers of magic themselves--kids. They spoke, and after hearing their love for the magical unicorn, we listened.” 

The creators of the beloved cereal decided on a unicorn after reaching out to fans on social media for suggestions. 

The unicorn marshmallow joins a roster that also consists of hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers, blue moons, rainbows, and red balloons.